The Mover & Shaker!
A cracker designed for the super active crowd! This delightful beetroot based darling is chock-full of naturally occurring dietary nitrates, which convert to nitric oxide, thus improving blood circulation, producing new blood and significantly enhancing tolerance to exercise.
Boosted with caraway and coriander, two great sources of iron, this cracker increases energy levels and fuels red blood cell production even further. Both spices also carry digestive and antioxidant properties.
The selenium and magnesium in the sunflower seeds in this unique cracker complement the minerals abundant in the beetroots.
Adding all the more color to this cracker are raw carrots, which possess a host of antioxidants, including carotenoids and anthocyanins that empower the body against so many diseases and inhibit cellular damage.
A healthy beating heart, hawk-like vision and an optimally functioning liver are among the many merits of this orangey vegetable!